Dedicated experts. 100% focused.
Your ability to provide world-class patient care depends on expert dialysis biomedical technicians. Our Bion Technicians are highly-trained professionals that keep dialysis operations at 100%.
Dialysis Machine Repair & Maintenance
Machine maintenance plays a critical factor in patient safety and survey preparedness. Bion assures repairs are completed efficiently.
Water System Repair & Maintenance
We ensure patient safety and reduce risk through routine maintenance, including cultures and endotoxins, RO, and distribution loop disinfections.
Microbiology & AAMI
In compliance with the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) standards, we will draw all necessary cultures and endotoxins.
Staff Competencies
and Training
Technical Audits and QAPI Meeting Reports
Physical Environment

Over my decades of technical experience, it’s become clear to me that all dialysis settings are in serious need of expert technical service.
Watch now for CEO Eric Cirignano’s vision for elevating patient care through Technical Operations excellence.

Become a
Bion Technican.
Biomedix is growing, and we’re always recruiting responsive, dedicated, and experienced dialysis Biomeds. Because our people are the best in the business, so are our company culture, benefits, and compensation.